I got up at 4:30 this morning, Raj (bless him) got up at the same time to make my coffee, I woke up Joe and Benjamin per their request at 5:00, they had a little breakfast snacky, I loaded up my wallet from the coin dish in the kitchen (spoils from the laundry room) for the toll booths, and we roared off exactly on time, Joe driving, me at shotgun navigation (reCALculating), and Benjamin in the back seat with the bags. Raj snapped a picture just before we walked out the door.
The one in the middle is a little scary. |
I have always had a hard time with "goodbye" - and have (gasp!) even been known to become maudlin as a leave-taking from my nearest and dearest approaches. I managed to maintain my composure this time, only crying a little, that is, until I made the mistake of looking back over my shoulder to curbside check-in. I sat there watching them, Joe so sturdy and serious at the counter, Benjmin standing tall and straight just behind him...tears streaming, avoiding eye contact with the "Loading and Unloading of Passengers Only" Police, I jumped out of the car and raced back for one more hug. I already miss them.