I wasn't kidding when I said this is called "heart attack weather!"
Some things never change...
"Snow-shovel design may not rank up there with the Three Gorges Dam as an engineering challenge, but it kills more than 10 times as many people each year...the 1,200 annual heart-failure deaths attributed to blizzards represent only about 0.3 percent of all annual deaths from heart disease. But that's a lot more people than die from watching a football game (though that poses health risks too). You can say all these shovelers should exercise more, and that's certainly true. But such advice is of little help to a sedentary soul whose doorstep is suddenly buried in a four-foot drift." - SlateWhy doesn't it surprise me that the 'science' of the torturous chore of shoveling was invented by a horrible racist? (No, that's not how Progressives spoke in 1911.) His study wasn't undertaken for the physical well-being of the manual laborers he used as subjects; his study was undertaken in order to maximize output at Bethlehem Steel works.
Some things never change...