It is warm today, there may be rain, lightening, thunder, it is humid, the sun is out. But we have had a few cool nights this month, that is, nights where lows were in the 50s, and some of the foliage is responding to the change. We have a Hawk living here on The Fahm with us, in the wild treetops near the Barn. Hawk circles the skies over our fields every day and shrieks a mournful sound that suits our fading summer absolutely.
All of a sudden I have a sense of urgency about getting The Crops In and Processed - that is, harvesting the chard, the carrots, the cabbage, the arugula, the beans, the basils, the berries, the grapes, the tomatoes tomatoes tomatoes, the apples, the pears, the peppers ... all of which seem to be approaching perfect ripeness simultaneously, and all of which must be frozen, pickled, fermented, brined, or submerged in crocks filled with oil or vinegar ...
Geez. What am I doing sitting here blogging? I've got some REAL WORK to do!
All of a sudden I have a sense of urgency about getting The Crops In and Processed - that is, harvesting the chard, the carrots, the cabbage, the arugula, the beans, the basils, the berries, the grapes, the tomatoes tomatoes tomatoes, the apples, the pears, the peppers ... all of which seem to be approaching perfect ripeness simultaneously, and all of which must be frozen, pickled, fermented, brined, or submerged in crocks filled with oil or vinegar ...
Geez. What am I doing sitting here blogging? I've got some REAL WORK to do!